Netball Portugal Club Constitution

Approved: Margaret Coleman and Janet Shephard
Approved date: 16th June 2023

1. The Club shall be called NETBALL PORTUGAL CLUB

2. NETBALL PORTUGAL CLUB is an association established October 2023.

3. NETBALL PORTUGAL CLUB Aims & Objectives To promote the personal development for all club members, participants, volunteers and officials of Netball Portugal in relation to walking and running netball and children and youths’ netball (hereinafter called netball) and, where appropriate, provide routes to opportunities to enhance and increase individual skills.

The aims and objectives of Netball Portugal shall be to:

• Promote netball and Netball Portugal within the whole of Portugal

• To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in netball

• Manage training sessions and seek to improve the level of netball skills

• To work in partnership with Europe Netball – Netball Portugal and other netball clubs to promote netball in Portugal

• Netball Portugal recognises the diversity in its membership and the netball community. It aims to provide a safe environment free from discrimination where all individuals are treated fairly, with dignity and appropriately to their needs. The club recognises that equality impacts on all aspects of its activities and expects all members to uphold these principles.

4. Membership

4.1 Netball Portugal shall consist of the officers and the members.

4.2 Membership of Netball Portugal shall be open, and not unreasonably restricted on the grounds of race, political or religious opinions to any person in the area prepared to accept and support the objectives of Netball Portugal. No club member, participant, volunteer or official will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, marital status, social class, colour, race, ethnic origin, creed or disability, or will be disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to their participation in Netball Portugal.

4.3 In accepting membership a person agrees to abide by the constitution and code of conduct of Netball Portugal and the rulings of Netball Portugal Executive. Copies of both the Constitution and Code of Conduct will in due course be available on our website.

5. Fees

5.1 Netball Portugal does not exist to make a profit. Fees will be paid weekly, by attending playing participants. Any Excess money after paying for equipment, training & development will be retained and managed by Netball Portugal Treasurer.

5.2 Membership will be paid yearly.

5.3 Netball Portugal Executive may decide upon other charges or subscriptions at its discretion.


6. Officers

6.1 The officers (herein known as Executive) of Netball Portugal shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. These officers shall hold positions for a period of 3 years, however can retire early and become eligible for reappointment at year three AGM. 28 days’ notice to be given in writing. The President shall chair meetings and if not in attendance, then the Vice President chairs the meetings. If neither are present or able to attend, the meeting shall be postponed until one is available.

6.2 Other voting officers of Netball Portugal are: Head Coach Walking Netball, Head Coach Running Netball and two Council Member at Large positions. These officers shall hold positions for a period of 3 years, however can retire early and eligible for reappointment at AGM.


7. Council

7.1 Netball Portugal will be managed through the Executive consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Council consisting of Head Coach Walking Netball, Head Coach Running Netball and two Council Members at Large.

7.2 Meeting of the Council shall be convened by the Secretary and shall meet as required, but not less than 4 times a year.

7.3 The quorum for the transaction of business at Council meetings shall be 5.

7.4 Every decision at a meeting of the Council shall be determined by a majority vote of the council members present and every voting member having one vote. In the event of an equality of votes the Chair of the meeting shall have the casting vote.


8. Committees

8.1 Committee may be formed at the discretion of Council to perform various tasks to support the aims and objectives of Netball Portugal.

8.2 Committees shall appoint a Committee Chair to liaise with their appointed Council Member for representation.

8.3 Committee Chairs have no voting rights on Council.

8.4 Committee Chairs shall have the right to run their own Committees, at all times governed by Netball Portugal Codes of Conduct.


9. Finance

9.1 Netball Portugal Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of Netball Portugal.

9.2 The financial Netball Portugal year-end is Oct 31st.

9.3 The Treasurer shall supply the financial position at each club meeting and the AGM.


10. Annual General Meeting and other Meetings

10.1 Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be given by the President with not less than 28 clear days’ notice to be given to all club members. Email shall be deemed acceptable.

10.2 Nominations for officers of the Council shall be sent to the Secretary 15 days prior to the AGM.

10.3 Elections of officers are to take place at the AGM.

10.4 All members shall be entitled to vote at annual general meetings of Netball Portugal and shall have equal voting rights.

10.5 The quorum for annual general meetings shall be 15% members present and eligible to vote.

10.6 Any Member of Council may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) at their discretion. All members shall be entitled to vote at EGM of LSNC and shall have equal voting rights. The quorum for EGM shall be 15% members present and eligible to vote.


11. Voting Procedures

11.1 Each club member shall be entitled to one vote at the AGM.

11.2 A motion shall be carried by a single majority of those present and voting, except when the motion is a constitutional amendment which shall require a two thirds majority.

11.3 The President shall have a casting vote should there be a tie, in addition to a deliberative vote.


12. Property and Staff

12.1 Responsibility for all property owned by Netball Portugal rests with the Council.


13. Discipline and Appeals

13.1 The Executive shall have the power to take disciplinary action against any member and shall have the authority to terminate the membership of any member guilty of conduct deemed to be detrimental to Netball Portugal, per the Code of Conduct. One warning may be given. After that, action shall be taken. Any such disciplinary action will be given in writing.

13.2 There shall be the right of appeal to the Executive against any decision made by an officer of Netball Portugal.

13.3 Appeals must be received in writing in a timely manner, not more than 30 days after the disciplinary action is instigated.

13.4 The appeal shall normally be considered within 14 days of it being received by the President.


14. Dissolution Procedures

14.1 A resolution to dissolve Netball Portugal can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the membership as outlined in 10.

14.2 In the event of dissolution, any assets of Netball Portugal that remain will become the property of a charity to be agreed by Council.


15. Review of the Constitution.

15.1 The constitution shall be reviewed on a yearly basis.

15.2 In the event of any question or matter arising, which is not provided in the constitution, shall be dealt with by the Executive, whose decision shall be final.



Netball Portugal Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.

Margaret Coleman – Club President Date: 30th 0ct 2023

Janet Shephard - Vice President Date: 30th Oct 2023


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